Complete guide on On-Page SEO

5 min readSep 23, 2021


This image show what is SEO and its factor

On-page SEO is the process of optimization (improving) a website and individual web pages by which the ranking of the website or individual web pages increases in the search engine result page. In simple language, the way to optimize (improve) web pages is called On-Page SEO.

On an On-Page SEO website, things like Content, Title Tag, Header Tags (Headings), and many Ranking Factors can be corrected or followed by our web page to rank in Google.

In this process, we have to fix the internal things of our website so that when Google’s spider reads our content, then there is no shortage in our web pages and the SEO Factors directed by the search engines are able to match them. With which the pages of our website can be ranked in Google.

In On-Page SEO, we have to work on many factors of our website. You must be knowing from the name (On-Page) that “ON THE PAGE” means in On-Page we work on the pages of our website and optimize (improve) the pages of our website and many Factors of On-Page. By optimizing the pages of your website.

All the factors of On-Page SEO are controlled by you, which you can implement on your website, so we can easily do it ourselves and it is very important to do On-Page SEO properly because It has a lot of roles in Search Ranking.

The major difference between On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO?

On-Page SEO We optimize (improve) different pages of our website individually or say that and keeping in mind many On-Page SEO Factors, we fix the pages of our website and make SEO-friendly pages.

Through Off-Page SEO, we get backlinks from other websites, which increases the authority of our website, and in Off-Page SEO, we do not have to work on our website, but in this technique, through any other website, our web pages are ranked by Search Engine. Increases in the result page as well as the authority of our website increases due to backlinks from other websites.

On-Page SEO Techniques (Factors) |

Let us see in a little detail what are important On-Page SEO Techniques mentioned above and what has to be done in these SEO Factors so that our website can rank in Search Engine. Let us know the factors of On-Page SEO one by one and understand that Stepwise How to do on-page SEO

Keyword Research:

Keyword Research A process by which we research the targeted keywords for our posts on which we want to rank our website. Like (To know about On-Page SEO, many people would be searching in different ways, as someone would do how to optimize our website for on-page?

That is why it is very important that we research our target keyword and write our content accordingly. This is the most important factor of On-Page SEO because when you know the Keyword, only then you will be able to advance On-Page SEO and Optimize your Content with Targeted Keyword and rank it.

Title Tags:

The title tag is the first thing that users see after searching the query and after looking at the title, the users decide whether clicking on a particular website will get the answer to the query asked by him or not and by looking at the title. Only users click on the website.

That is why if seen from an SEO point of view, we should have Keyword in Title Tag, on which we want to rank our Web Pages because Keyword is the Terms that describe your entire content in few words.

SEO Title

That is why we should keep our title in such a way that users find it attractive and after seeing the title, enter it on the website. We should use our Keywords in Title or Keyword Phrase in our Title.

Header Tags Optimization (Headings):

Header Tags means Headings — The Headings you see are mostly about our Main Keywords or are the Sub Parts of the topic of Main Keywords, then we should use Targeted Keywords or Keywords Phrase in Headings so that Google To understand which keyword you have targeted.

And about which particular topic the entire content has been written. That is why efforts should be made to use your keywords in some headings and also Keyword Phrase.

Also, Header Tag should be used very well like there should be only 1 H1 in the whole article, and then it should be used only between H2-H6.

We should also take care of the headings that always write the niche sub-topic of the main topic and write it in the proper headings like if you write the main topic in H2, then write its sub-topic in H3.

In this way, use Headings well and at the same time use Keywords well in Headings.

URL Structure:

We know the URL structure in a common language by the name of Link. According to On-Page SEO, we should keep keywords in the URL of our web pages or some words of main keywords must be kept.

Keyword Density:

Keyword Density means how many times you have used your Focus Keyword in content, it is called Keyword Density. According to Best SEO Practices, we should use keywords only up to 3% of the words of our articles.

Using Keyword more than 3% times then Google will give you a Negative Ranking because Google calls it Keyword Stuffing (in the common language you can call it Spamming).

Let us understand this through an example as if you write the content of 100 words, then you can use keywords only up to 3% of 100, which means 3 times. So special care should be taken that the density of the keyword should be less than 3%, it should not be more than this.

Alt Tag for Images:

Actually, our published content is read by Google’s reader, which is called Spider, it reads what the content is about, but no search engine can read the images and it does not know what the images are of and What the Writer wants to tell through Images, so for this we have to put Alt Tag in Images.

Writes about Images in Alt Tag, like if Images is about On-Page SEO, then in Alt Tag of Images we have to write “On-Page SEO” in this way by writing about Images in Alt Tag, we write to Google or any We can tell the search engine what our images are about and only after reading the Alt tag, the search engine’s reader (Spider) about our images knows about the images.



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