Flat Rate Shipping is WooCommerce Shipping Method

Flat Rate Shipping is a shipping method included in WooCommerce that allows you define a standard rate per item, per shipping class, or per order. Flat Rate Shipping works with Product Shipping Classes, adding more power and flexibility to your shipping policies. One of the biggest advantages of Flat Rate Shipping over other flat rate shipping plugins is that it can be combined with shipping classes as opposed to replacing them completely.

What is Flat Rate Shipping?

Flat rate shipping allows you to define a standard rate per item, per shipping class, or per order. Flat rate shipping works with Product Shipping Classes, adding more power and flexibility. Before we get into how flat rate shipping works and its uses, let’s understand how your shipping prices work right now. If you use a simple flat-rate policy where all items ship for one price, customers might be surprised by unexpected costs when they receive their package.

How to set up Flat Rate Shipping?

First, go to Products and then click on Product Shipping. On this page, enter a name for your new shipping method and select Flat Rate as its type. Next, set up your flat rate by entering a price in all three areas: Item cost, class cost and order cost. Finally, click Save changes. You can now assign that flat rate shipping method to products! Be sure to check out Flat Rate Shipping Pro for more advanced features like weight-based shipping and special offer discounts.

Additional Options & Settings

Flat rate shipping can be applied to products, product variations, or cart items individually. Flat rate shipping can also be disabled per individual customer account. To enable flat rate shipping on a product, check Enabled under Shipping Options (under General in Product Data). To set up a flat rate for a specific shipping class, check Use Flat Rate under Shipping Classes (under General in Shipping).



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